Toby Mues
Toby tries to do it all – Photographer – Videographer – Editor – Graphics – Writer – Mechanic – Hockey – Skateboarding. Always busy doing something, theMUES has become the main outlet to showcase some of his work, while also letting his friends and contributors showcase their specialties as well.

Karl-Eric Lerebours
The businessman of theMUES, Karl makes sure everyone is doing their job, and then when the work is done and its time to party, he shows us all how to do that too. And when you see him DJing, he prefers if you call him Karl Kox.

Cristina Rayas
Cristina has a way of sneaking corny puns into conversations, and loads of spicy hot sauce onto her food — and in this way, she illustrates her appetite for both laughter and challenge (and maybe a bit of fire in her belly). Combining skills with passion, she likes to listen carefully, ask questions, and bring a spark of fun to projects — making her theMUES’ multi responsible writer, producer, and editor. We just shortened all that into the title “Director ‘o Fun.”

Matt Shlonsky
Though Matt is no longer with us, he will always remain a part of The MUES. His skill, spirit, and enthusiasm for music, live concerts, and Washington, DC continue to inform our creative output.